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Slavica TerGestina 30 (2023/I): Television in Eastern European Literature, Art and Media (from 1960s to 2020s). Volume I.

Slavica TerGestina 31 (2023/II): Television in Eastern European Literature, Art and Media (from 1960s to 2020s). Volume II.

Slavica TerGestina 29 (2022/II): Russian Theater (Studies and Materials II.)

Russian Theater II

Деятельность Юрия Ракитина — режиссера и актера в русских театрах (1905–1918)
Jury Rakitin’s Activities as a Director and Actor in Russian Theatre (1905–1918)
❦ Наталья Михайловна Вагапова

Дневници Јурија Ракитина: O режијама у Мањежу и Народном позоришту
Juri Rakitin’s Diaries on Directing at The Manjež and The National Theatre
❦ Тамара Жељски

Укрощение театра: Надежда Бромлей и ее театральный роман
The Taming of the Arts: Nadezhda Bromley's and her “Theatrical Novel”
❦ Елена Толстая

Елка у Введенского: между Постышевым и «невидимым Богом»
Vvedensky’s Christmas Tree: between Postyshev and the “invisible God”
❦ Михаил Одесский / Mikhail Odesskiy

Режиссерская работа, работа с актером и творческий процесс в «Коляда-театре»
Director’s Work, Work with an Actor and the Creative Process at the Kolyada Theater
❦ Лана Йекнич

К вопросу об аллюзивности в русской и японской драматургии первой половины 20-го века: на примере пьес 1910 – 20-х гг
To the Question of Allusiveness in Russian and Japanese Dramaturgy of the First Half of the 20th Century: The 1910–20s.
❦ Синъити Мурата


Vloga mesta in morja v prozi Vanje Pegana
The Role of the Town and the Sea in Vanja Pegan’s Prose
❦ Vladka Tucovič Sturman

Review Науци у част
In Honor of Humanities
❦ Василиса Шљивар

Slavica TerGestina 28 (2022/I): Writing the Himalaya in Polish and Slovenian (issue edited by Jernej Habjan)



Writing the Himalaya in Polish and Slovenian: Introduction
Pisanie Himalajów po polsku i słoweńsku. Wstęp
❦ jernej Habjan

Passion and Politics: An Outline of the History of Polish Himalayanism
Pasja i polityka. Zarys dziejów polskiego himalaizmu
❦ Ewa Roszkowska

Liminal Literature and the School of Vertical Promotion in Polish Mountaineering
Literatura liminalna i szkoła awansu pionowego w polskim alpinizmie
❦ Marek Pacukiewicz

On Polish Himalayan Literature, Then and Now
Uwagi o polskiej literaturze himalajskiej. Historia i współczesność
❦ Ewa Grzęda

The Vertical World and the Mountains Upside Down,or, a Four-handed Himalayan Climbing Autobiographyby Olga Morawska and Piotr Morawski
Pionowy świat i góry na opak, czyli autobiografia na cztery ręce Olgi i Piotra Morawskich
❦ Elżbieta Dutka

Climbing the Already Climbed: Tadeusz Piotrowski’s Account of the Polish–Yugoslav Expedition to Tirich Mir
Zdobyć zdobyte. Polsko-jugosłowiańska wyprawa na Tiricz Mirw relacji Tadeusza Piotrowskiego
❦ Przemysław Kaliszuk

The Mountains that Wrote Them: Slovenians Climbing and Writing about Eight-Thousand-Metre Peaks
Góry, które ich napisały. Słoweńcy wspinający się na i piszący o ośmiotysięcznikach
❦ Peter Mikša

Towards a Bi-polar Typology of Slovenian Mountaineering Literature
W kierunku dwubiegunowej typologii literatury górskiej autorstwa słoweńskich wspinaczy
❦ Tomo Virk

Writing the Death Zone: The Slovenian Case
Pisanie strefy śmierci. Przypadek Słowenii
❦ Jernej Habjan

Vertical Trials: Three Narrative Texts of Slovenian Mountaineering Literature
Oświadczenie pionowe. Trzy teksty narracyjne słoweńskiej literatury górskiej
❦ Alenka Koron

Between Loyalty to the Original, Customer Expectations and Reader Orientation: Translators’ understanding of Their Roles Using the Example of the German Translation of the Slovenian Classic Book Pot
Między lojalnością wobec oryginału, oczekiwaniami klientów a zorientowaniem na czytelnika. Tłumacze i ich rozumienie własnej roli na przykładzie niemieckiego przekładu kultowej słoweńskiej książki Pot
❦ Lars Felgner

In Memoriam

A Never-Completed Reading. Boris Paternu (1926–2021)
❦ Ivan Verč

Slavica TerGestina 27 (2021/II): КОМИКСЫ – STRIP – COMICS: Intercultural Forays into the Slavic Area Comic


De Michiel Margherita: КОМИКС – STRIP – COMICS. A volo di mantello: brevi incursioni nei fumetti russi – con qualche planata nella Slavia vicina. (Introduzione in tre terzi)

Borisova Elena: Истоки и начальные этапы развития комиксов: русско-итальянские параллели

Bazzocchi Filippo: Major Grom: Čumnoj Doktor. “Un supereroe del nostro tempo”

De Michiel Margherita: Russkie gorki: adrenalina e vertigini dell’intraducibilità culturale

Dorigo Marco, Piasevoli Vesna: L’opera di Andrija Maurović, padre del fumetto croato

Furlan Diana, Vranješ Maja

Aleksandar Zograf, esponente di spicco del graphic journalism contemporaneo serbo

Greco Raffaella: Survilo: il fumetto come modo di narrazione

Napolitano Martina: I ritratti di testimonianza di Viktorija Lomasko

Olivieri Claudia: Dal cilindro

Palli Claudia: Бежать нельзяостаться: Storie di Migrazioni a Fumetti.

Pavia Maddalena: Da Limonov alle micronazioni – Come costruire il proprio fumetto

Plattner Karin: Anna Achmatova e Nikolaj Gumilëv: una storia – a fumetti

Rocco Goranka, Ščukanec Aleksandra: La vita di “Alan Ford” oltre i confini linguistici

Ronchese Martina: Sulle traduzioni in e di Skazki Gamajun: le fiabe a fumetti di Aleksandr Utkin

Strada Olga: Venezia, la luna… e Andrej Bil’žo

Ščukanec Aleksandra, Rocco Goranka: Jezična varijacija, prividna oralnost i prevođenje: kontrastivni pogled na hrvatski, njemački i talijanski prijevod jednog stripa

Slavica TerGestina 25 (2020/II): Russian Theater (Studies and Materials I.)


Russian Theater

Влияние итальянской театральной традиции на ранние этапы формирования русского национального театра
Influence of the Italian Theatrical Traditions on the Early Stages of Formation of the Russian National Theater
❦ Мариалуиза Феррацци

Петр Потемкин и «Летучая мышь» Никиты Балиева в 1913–1917 гг.: материалы к биографии
Peter Potemkin and Nikita Baliev’s The Bat in 1913–1917: towards a Biography
❦ Нора Букс

Письма Б.В. Казанского Н.Н. Евреинову (1925–1928): публикация, вступительная статья и комментарии
Letters from Boris Kazansky to Nikolay Evreinov (1925–1928): Publication, Introductory Article and Comments
❦ Владислав Иванов

Диалогическое действо: «Факт, теория и Бог» А. Введенского
Dialogic performance in A. Vvedensky’s Fact, Theory and God
❦ Корнелия Ичин

«Дураки на периферии»: шаг к созданию абсурдного театра «СССР»
The Idiots on the Margins: a Step in Creation of the Soviet Theatre of the Absurd
❦ Мария Кувекалович

На пути к себе: драматические миниатюры В. Казакова
On the Way to Oneself: Dramatic Miniatures by V. Kazakov
❦ Василиса Шливар


Римский текст в поэтической рефлексии Александры Петровой
Roman Text in Poetic Reflection of Alexandra Petrova
❦ Светлана Фокина

Об идиостиле Бориса Поплавского (на примере поэтического сборника «Флаги»)
About the Idiostyle of Boris Poplavskiy (in Case of Book of Poetry The Flags)
❦ Никола Милькович

Псевдомемуар как жанр художественный прозы: традиции и современность
Pseudo-memoir as a Genre of Fictional Prose: Tradition and Modernity
❦ Арсений Волков

Slavica TerGestina 26 (2021/I): Habsburg Censorship and Literature in the Slovenian Lands (issue co-edited by Marijan Dović and Luka Vidmar)


Dović Marijan, Vidmar Luka

Dović Marijan, Vidmar Luka
Habsburg Censorship and Literature in the Slovenian Lands

Bachleitner Norbert
From Paternalism to Authoritarianism: Censorship in the Habsburg Monarchy (1751–1848)

Ditmajer Nina
Banned Books in the Libraries of the Styrian Monasteries in the Early Modern Period

Deželak Trojar Monika
Schönleben’s Prohibited Mariological Works

Vidmar Luka
Secularization of Book Censorship under Maria Theresa: Between Catholic Tradition and Moderate Enlightenment

Pastar Andrej
Censorship in Carniola under Joseph II

Ogrin Matija
Slovenian Manuscripts of the Late Baroque: Literary Tradition Defying Enlightenment Censorship

Svoljšak Sonja
Banned French, English, and American Authors, and Their Works in the Ljubljana Lyceum Library up to 1848

Juvan Marko
Censorship and the Literary Field: Kopitar, Čop, and Krajnska čbelica

Dović Marijan
Slovenian Literature and Imperial Censorship after 1848

Perenič Urška
Literary Censorship and the Dramatic Society in Ljubljana (1891–1904)

2020/1 May ’68 in Yugoslavia (issue co-edited by Jernej Habjan and Andraž Jež)

2019/II The first of the double volume issue Есhoes of Verifications has been published

The first volume entitled Voices of The East brings contributions of colleagues of Slavica TerGestina's founder and editor Ivan Verč that live and work in Eastern Europe.

  • Вместо предисловия / In Place Of An Introduction
  • Aleksander Skaza: Preverjanje ustvarjenega z mislijo na življenje (Zapis ob štirih knjigah izbranih del Ivana Verča) / Verifying the Written while considering Life (On The Four Books of Selected Writings by Ivan Verč)
  • Roman Bobryk: Как Пушкин попал в жернова Дерриды… Об одном (почти) литературном произведении Ивана Верча («соавтор» – А.С. Пушкин) / How Pushkin was reworked Derrida-style … On a certain (almost) literary work by Ivan Verč (coauthored by A.S. Pushkin)
  • Árpád Kovács: К вопросам метапоэтики Гоголя (Смысловой масштаб «Мертвых душ» и «Ревизора») / The Metapoetical Aspects of Gogol’s Artistic Thinking
  • О. М. Гончарова / O. M. Goncharova: Карамзин и Руссо (о повести «Моя исповедь») / Karamzin and Rousseau (about the story «My confession»)
  • Miha Javornik: Голубой/-ая Literature and Russian Holiness / Голубая literatura in ruska svetost
  • Marko Juvan: Peripheral Modernism and the World-System: Slovenian Literature and Theory of the Nineteen-Sixties / Periferni modernizem in svetovni sistem: slovenska književnost in teorija šestdesetih let 20. stoletja
  • Gábor Kovács: From Narrative Parallelism to Prosaic Metaphor (The Problem of Counterpart in the Short Story) / От нарративного параллелизма к языковой метафоре прозы (Проблема дубликата в новелле)
  • Goranka Rocco: Selbstmarketing, Selbstmanagement, Selbstoptimierung, Self-Branding, Self-Tracking: soggetto autorazionalizzante e mercato del lavoro / Self-marketing, Self-management, Self-optimization, Self-branding, Self-tracking: self-rationalizing subject and the labor market
  • Appendix:
  • Ivan Verč — Izbrana bibliografija / Ivan Verč – Selected Bibliography

Direct download link for the entire issue PDF

2019/1 New issue released: The World as Objectlessness

The issue is avalable online and as a printed version.

2018/2 Arts and Revolution issue finally released

[An extremely heterogeneous volume, welcoming:

  • at its core, some of the contributions presented at the International Conference on the October Revolution held in Rome (“1917-2017. Un radioso avvenire? Convegno internazionale sulla Rivoluzione d’Ottobre”, 6–8 November, 2017);
  • “other” voices: because the strength of every revolution is also in its (bachtinian) “excess”, i.e. in its sometimes unpredictable effetcs in the “Great Time”;
  • young voices, here to ask, like every word, for a responsible and “responsive” listening (“For the word there is nothing more terrible than bezotvetnost’” said Bachtin – of the “lack of an answer”, i.e.);
  • finally, voices of today’s russian poetry.](

2018/1 [20] Issue with focus on Literary Theory in Bulgaria is now available online as well as in hard copy version

The issue is available for download

2017/II Issue Polish Studies released

The issue is available for download

Call for Submissions for the First Issue of 2018

We would like to inform you that you can submit your contributions for the next issue by begining of March 2018. Theme focus of the Issue will be The Reception of Eastern and Western (post)structuralism in Slavic Cultures, but we will also include interesting articles on other topics. Please, consult Manuscript Formating Guidelines before submitting the manuscript. Submissions that do not follow the guidelines will not be considered for publication.

A new issue on the topic of Event in Humanities was published in July 2017. It is available for download

The 2016 Yugoslav Partisan Art issue of the journal is now available online

The 2014-2015 Slavic Studies issue of the journal is now available online in Journal Web Archive

The 2013 issue of the journal, entitled Slavia Islamica, is finally available online in Journal Web Archive

Editorial Board of the journal has chosen the theme of the next 2013 volume. The theme of the next volume is Slavia Islamica. More on the theme and article submission ...

Dear readers, the 2012 issue of the journal, adressing the theme of The Great Story, has finally been published. Printed vesion is also fully available online in Journal Web Archive

Editorial Board of the journal has chosen the theme of the next 2012 volume: Destiny of “great stories” (J.F. Lyotard: le Grand récit, большой нарратив, метарассказ, великое повествование) in Slavonic literatures since the fall of Berlin Wall.

More on the theme and article submission ...